The post-interval section of the concert began with solo playing, with Anne first giving a most poetic account of Debussy’s two contrasting Arabesques which are fitting successors to Schumann’s uniquely beautiful predecessor."
"This gave the players a further opportunity to show not only their musical understanding but also the closeness of their performing partnership, which impressed all lucky enough to be present for this splendid event, which not only enchanted and entertained but also brought to notice a number of less well-known known works and composers."
- Alexander Stillera. Published on November 9 2017 on
A neat rendering of Dvorak’s well known Humoresque, followed by Faure’s sonata No 1. Here, Marshall came in to her own with the very difficult but beautifully played piano part. This was not an accompaniment but rather a case of two instrumentalists playing their very different parts together."
- George, August 2013
This (Speaking of the album 'A Flute Affair') is a beautiful recording and a pleasure to listen to."
- Sir James Galway, Meggen, Switzerland, April 2012
Anne Marshall was a most sympathetic yet also individual partner throughout the evening, matching the interpretation of Joanna Westers in masterly fashion."
- The Citizen: "Bringing the House Down"
Rapid harmonics and devilish left hand pizzicatos characterised this Hungarian Caprice resulting in a true tour de force. The charming duo proceeded with Mozart‘s Sonata in G, which gave Marshall opportunity to display her inimitable technique through brilliant passage-work."
- The Herald Online